
Journal of Innovation in Computing – Online Access

A Novel Framework for Blockchain Enabled Business Process
Salma Mahgoub 🖂 | Rana Almohammadi | Masarra Aldramley

Blockchain technology is not shielded by Bitcoin, it is spanning across diverse fields ranging from financial use cases, such as crypto currencies, banking, retailing to non-financial use cases including medicines, education, internet of things and business process management. Business process is a set of activities with defined input and output (e.g. billing process, enterprise resource planning process and supply chain process). These business processes are the building blocks of the industrial revolution or industry 4.0. With the increasing demands of industrial revolutions, the business process needs to be trusted, scalable and reliable. In order to facilitate these attributes in business processes, advantages of blockchain can be leveraged. In this paper, a complete framework by integrating business process and blockchain is proposed. Unlike other research studies, this novel framework covers three core activities of business process which are 1) modeling, 2) monitoring, and 3) execution. The proposed integration of business process with blockchain is equally beneficial for all the parties involved in the development of business process.
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pages 1-5
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Anatomy World: An Augmented Reality Mobile Application to Teach Anatomy to Schools’ Students
Salma Mahgoub 🖂 | Shaza Bitar |  Dareen Alhabeeb

Students in secondary schools face troubles in understanding scientific materials, especially biology, in the perception of organs and functions of the human body as it should. The use of augmented reality technology can contribute to the enhancement of the educational process more than traditional means. Anatomy world is an android application with augmented reality technology that enables the students to see the three-dimensional view of the human body and interact with it. In addition, the application allows switching the language from Arabic to English and vice versa. We followed the Scrum framework. Throughout sprints, we conducted a questionnaire to measure the application usability and collect the needs of students and teachers in schools. Anatomy World is then developed using a C# programming language for building the application in the Unity3D and Visual Studio programs. Very satisfying results were collected after conducting Application Usability testing for both Students and teachers. The results of usability testing proves that Anatomy World could be as a step to support and promote education, by expanding students' perceptions, encouraging them to learn, and promoting understanding of biology by students in schools and making education more fun compare to boring and traditional methods.
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pages 6-10
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Metaheuristic Algorithms Application in the Aviation Industry: A Short Review
Yip Mei Yee | Babak Basharirad 🖂 | Mervat Adib Bamiah

This paper is a short review of metaheuristic algorithm applications in the airline industry. The purpose of these applications is to optimize the flight operation, especially during flight delay situation. Big data in the flight industry play an important role in predictive as well as prescriptive analysis. Usage of historical flight data enable model building using a metaheuristic algorithm to find a better solution in dealing with flight delay. Optimization on flight route, airlines recovery problem, crew rescheduling and passenger centric strategy will be further discussed in this paper as well. Previous related works on each aspect are reviewed to have a better understanding of the available solutions. Some recommendations are also suggested for future improvement, based on the review.
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pages 11-15
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Interactive Flipped Exam: a New Learning Approach
Mervat Adib Bamiah 🖂 | Babak Basharirad

Existing employment needs and the accelerating technological developments require advanced skills and qualifications. Traditional teaching and learning methods are developing from instructor-centered to student-centered learning. Moreover, E-learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, etc are gaining more popularity. Flipped Classroom is different from traditional education by demanding some activities befor going to school, and using class time for consolidating knowledge and deep learning. This process aims to improve students’ performance. Flipped exam is part of the Flipped Classroom although it is performed by a timely graded group discussion to solve the exam question. Our proposed contribution is Interactive Flipped Exam is a new method that depends on students’ creativity and evaluation capability of the topic studied. The students after each chapter have to critically review the contents and design “4” freestyle exam questions matching the learning objectives of the chapter within the time frame of the intended exam, then they have to submit the designed exam to the teacher for grading. The experiment was conducted on “12” undergraduate female students, and it resulted in students’ improved learning, performance, and made them think like a teacher, besides removing their fear from exams. Moreover, IFEM assisted the teacher in acknowledging the students’ preferences of exam questions types also, it showed the level of their understanding of the particular topic.
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pages 16-21
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